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Language Reference

Articles in this section give reference information for different parts of the ViviFire language.

In this section

Typography Used by This Manual
Gives how this manual shows keywords, placeholders, and other language elements.
ViviFire Runtime Library Members
Gives a list of the classes and objects supplied by ViviFire, with information about their members.
Gives a list of all ViviFire keywords, with links to more information.
Data Type Summary
Gives the data types supplied by ViviFire.
Default Values
Gives the default values for the data types.
Gives the available compiler directives.
Gives a list of the ViviFire element modifiers, with links to more information.
Gives the available objects and their members.
Gives the available operators.
Gives the available declaration and control statements.
Error Messages
Gives a list of the compiler and run-time error messages, and how to correct the error.

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