Operators and Expressions
An operator is a code element that does an operation on one or more elements that hold values. Value elements include variables, properties, constants, literals, and results of procedures and expressions.
An expression puts together a sequence of values and operators, and makes a new value. The operators have an effect on the value elements to calculate, compare, or do other operations.
Types of operators
ViviFire has many types of operators.
- Arithmetic operators calculate with numeric values.
- Comparison operators compare values and return a Boolean value as a result of how they compare.
- Concatenation operators put together many strings into one string.
- Logical and bitwise operators put together Boolean or numeric values and return a result of the same data type.
Evaluation of expressions
2 + 4
' The result is 6
4 * Math.Sqrt(36)
' The result is 24.0
"Vivi" & "Fire"
' The result is "ViviFire"
321 < 234
' The result is False