Program Structure and Code Conventions
This section introduces the typical structure of a ViviFire program, gives an easy ViviFire program (“Hello world”), and tells about ViviFire code conventions. Code conventions recommend some structural and visual elements as alternatives to others. code conventions can make your programs easier to read and to know what they do, and decrease maintenance time.
In this section
- Structure of a ViviFire Program
- Shows the elements in a ViviFire program.
- Program Entry Point
- Tells about the code that starts a program.
- References and the Require Statement
- Shows how to refer to objects in libraries.
- Namespaces
- Shows how namespaces make groups of objects in code.
- Conventions for Names
- Includes general instructions for names of procedures, constants, variables, arguments, and objects.
- Code Conventions
- Examines the rules that code samples use.
- Conditional Compilation
- Shows how to compile some code and ignore other code.
- Special Characters in Code
- Shows how and where to use characters that are not letters or numbers.
- Comments in Code
- Shows how to add text that tells what code does.
- Keywords as Element Names
- Shows how to use ViviFire keywords as names.
- Self and Base
- Shows different constructs to use to refer to elements of a program.
- Language Limits
- Tells how to decrease the effects of known limits in ViviFire code.