Subject: [DEMO BETA] Dialog with a menu

    Open "WMLiberty" For DLL As #wmlib

    StyleBits #wnd, 0, _WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0

    Menu #wnd, _
        "&File", _
        "&Open...", wnd.mnuFileOpen, _
        |, _
        "E&xit", wnd.mnuFileExit

    Open "Hidden Menu Processor" For Window As #wnd

    hWnd = HWnd(#wnd)

    CallDLL #user32, "GetMenu", _
        hWnd As ULong, _
        hMenu As ULong

    WindowWidth = 320
    WindowHeight = 75

    StyleBits #dlg, _DS_CENTER, 0, 0, 0

    StaticText  #dlg.stcFile, "Selected file:", 6, 4, 100, 16
    TextBox     #dlg.txtFile, 6, 20, 300, 20

    Open "Dialog with a Menu" For Dialog As #dlg

    #dlg "TrapClose Quit"

    hDlg = HWnd(#dlg)

    Call GetClientSize hDlg, 0, cyInit

    CallDLL #user32, "SetMenu", _
        hDlg As ULong, _
        hMenu As ULong, _
        ret As Long

    Call GetClientSize hDlg, 0, cyNew

    cyMenu = cyInit - cyNew

    Call GetWindowSize hDlg, cxDlg, cyDlg

    Call SetWindowPos hDlg, 0, 0, 0, cxDlg, cyDlg + cyMenu, _

    Callback lpfn, _
        dlg.OnCommand( ULong, ULong, ULong, ULong ), Long

    CallDLL #wmlib, "SetWMHandler", _
        hDlg As ULong, _
        _WM_COMMAND As Long, _
        lpfn As ULong, _
        1 As Long, _
        ret As Long

    Call DoEvents

Sub DoEvents
    CallDLL #kernel32, "Sleep", 50 As Long, r As Void
    GoTo [DoEvents]
End Sub

Sub wnd.mnuFileOpen
    FileDialog "", "*.*", file$
    If file$ = "" Then Exit Sub

    #dlg.txtFile file$
    #dlg.txtFile "!SetFocus"

    ret = SendMessageLong(HWnd(#dlg.txtFile), _EM_SETSEL, 0, -1)
End Sub

Sub wnd.mnuFileExit
    Call Quit "#dlg"
End Sub

Sub Quit h$
    Close #dlg
    Close #wnd

    Close #wmlib

End Sub

Function dlg.OnCommand( hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
    If wParam <= 65535 then
        ret = SendMessageLong(HWnd(#wnd), uMsg, wParam, lParam )

        dlg.OnCommand = 1
    End If
End Function

Function SendMessageLong( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )
    CallDLL #user32, "SendMessageA", _
        hWnd As ULong, _
        uMsg As ULong, _
        wParam As ULong, _
        lParam As ULong, _
        SendMessageLong As Long
End Function

Sub GetClientSize hWnd, ByRef retWidth, ByRef retHeight
    Struct ClientRect, _
        left As Long, _
        top As Long, _
        right As Long, _
        bottom As Long

    CallDLL #user32, "GetClientRect", _
        hWnd As ULong, _
        ClientRect As Struct, _
        ret As Long

    retWidth  = ClientRect.right.struct
    retHeight = ClientRect.bottom.struct
End Sub

Sub GetWindowSize hWnd, ByRef retWidth, ByRef retHeight
    Struct WindowRect, _
        left As Long, _
        top As Long, _
        right As Long, _
        bottom As Long

    CallDLL #user32, "GetWindowRect", _
        hWnd As ULong, _
        WindowRect As Struct, _
        ret As Long

    retWidth  = WindowRect.right.struct - WindowRect.left.struct + 1
    retHeight = WindowRect.bottom.struct - + 1
End Sub

Sub SetWindowPos hWnd, hWndAfter, X, Y, Width, Height, Flags
    CallDLL #user32, "SetWindowPos", _
        hWnd As ULong, _
        hWndAfter As ULong, _
        X As Long, _
        Y As Long, _
        Width As Long, _
        Height As Long, _
        Flags As ULong, _
        ret As Long
End Sub

Subject: Re: [DEMO BETA] Dialog with a menu
Works for me. WinXP with SP2, LB v4.03, WMLiberty v1.03

Subject: Re: [DEMO BETA] Dialog with a menu
Thanks a lot, Bill!

I'll get this filled out and formalized in a few days.

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