Subject: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Has anyone else noticed the severe lack of content concerning LB on the many Wikipedia language sites? As it stands now, there is only one non-English article about LB (Spanish) and it is a "stub." I think international interest in LB would pick up greatly with a presence on Wikipedia besides English.

What do you think?

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Well Brent,

Liberty BASIC is mentioned in the Dutch Wiki too.
I only couldn't mention that in the English Wiki.

I plan to change the BASIC page, so to mention the birth of language4s like LB and other Window BASIC after W95 too.


Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Hello Gordon,

Thank you for reminding me about your work on WP. I think you have mentioned it before on other forums.

But I may be absolved by the fact that the articles I referenced lack a link to the Dutch site in their "in other languages" lists. I don't know how these get added; quite possibly each site must be edited. I think this needs a look-see.

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Hello Brent,

If Stephan is a member of this forum, could you please PM him with a request to help?
Stephan speaks German (English and French too) fluently.
German (or some kind of German) is spoken in Europe by more then 100 million (a 1 with 8 zero's) people.

There is an active forum in France. I guess LB will get in WE there soon, because Just BASIC is there already.


Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Gordon, Do you mean Stefan Pendl? I don't see his name in the memberlist. I'll probably PM him on Conforums.

BTW, there's also a Danish WP article for JB (, but nothing for LB.

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia

That's who I meant. I remember that he lives in Austria and they speak German there at least.

I changed the Dutch WE-Basic page. It mentions Liberty BASIC now.
But is this correct.

Carl Gundel wrote Liberty BASIC in 1992 reacting on QBASIC not being expanded to work with Windows. 


Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Gordon wrote:
Carl Gundel wrote Liberty BASIC in 1992 reacting on QBASIC not being expanded to work with Windows. 
Well, some people might argue that Visual Basic extended QB to Windows. But then VB isn't free (unless you count VB 5.0 CCE and now VB 2005 Express). But then LB isn't free either.

I'd say it's correct as long as you have it in the proper context.

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
So, should I mention that LB was a shareware type of Visual Basic that created it own niche nowadays? The WE site says that QBASIC was bundled with MS-DOS this means it was free if you bought MS-DOS.

I think Carl now likes to promote (easy) programming in the first place.


Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Calling LB a shareware version of VB would not be correct. They are very different languages. VB 1.0 for DOS added many commands to QB and removed a few. VB for Windows eliminated or substantially changed a large set of commands. And VB.NET has gone even further afield, becoming something that BASIC programmers of the 1980s would not recognize as BASIC.

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Okay, this is my lack of feeling in English.
Maybe I should say: LB is a VB look alike shareware?

I stated LB is a type of VB, but I didn't mean a shareware version of.

How should I phrase this?


Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
Gordon, if it were me, I would not mention VB at all with respect to LB unless it is necessary to make a point.

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
I think the reason why there is very few translated stuff on Wikipedia is because Liberty BASIC is not localized!

Proof that Carl wanted a low-cost QBASIC-like system for Windows:
The other reason was because I was disappointed that software for Windows was so expensive (typically $500 or more in 1991), and there was no Windows version of Microsoft QBASIC.

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
I know this topic is old but i just saw it and had the NEED FOR SPEED :D

You now have a SERBIAN wikipedia entry

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
That's good to know! I found a list of the number of articles on each language of WP and saw that sr is like #28. Maybe this fact will be a "call to action" for the other 25 above you.

Subject: Re: Scarcity of LB on Wikipedia
You might have noticed that the article is a stub, i wrote a bigger article but for some reason it was shortened (i never wrote a new article so probably there was some mistakes)

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