Subject: Problem (with system tray menu)
I didn't know where to post this so i posted it here,

I have a prog of mine that has a tray icon (learned how to do that from the nl) When i right click it, it popsup a menu, but when i click on any of the choices it reports an branch not found error, now i know that the branch is there.

Here are the pieces of code that i use for the systray.

struct OSVInfo,_
    OSVInfoSize as long,_
    MajorV as long,_
    MinorV as long,_
    Build as long,_
    PlatformId as long,_
    CSDV$ as char[128]

call getOSVersion

struct iconData,_                   'used to minimize to the "system tray"
    iDSize as long,_                'size of this structure
    hwnd as long,_                  'handle of window that owns the Icon
    uID as ulong,_                  'unique identifier (unique to the owning window)
    uFlags as ulong,_               'flag denotes which struct items are being sent
    uCallbackMessage as ulong,_     'app. defined message that windows will send to the window in this case _WM_USER+1
    hIcon as long,_                 'handle to the Icon to use
    szTip$ as char[64],_            'tooltip for this Icon
    dwState as long,_
    dwStateMask as long,_
    szInfo$ as char[256],_
    unionTimeoutVersion as long,_
    szInfoTitle$ as char[64],_
    dwInfoFlags as long,_
    guidItem as ulong

open "WMLiberty.dll" for dll as #wmlib

dim handle(2)       'array for windows handles
dim param(4)            'need some parameters to be global
dim defDir(1)       'make the default dir available inside subs and functions

NIM.ADD=0           'windows constant that LB doesn't recognise
NIM.MODIFY=1        '               ditto
NIM.DELETE=2        '               ditto

NIF.MESSAGE=1       '               ditto
NIF.ICON=2         '               ditto
NIF.TIP=4          '               ditto

param(1)=NIM.DELETE     'make these global

iconData.uID.struct=8               'icon identifier unique to this window (not necessarilly unique to the system)
iconData.uCallbackMessage.struct=_WM_USER+1     'window message OS will send to my window when Icon is activated
Tip$="Right click for menu, left to open the main window."+null$(1)     'tooltip text
iconData.szTip$.struct=Tip$         'load tooltip text into struct

if alreadycalled = 0 then
callback iconNotice,iconMessage(long,long,long,long),long          'callback for icon message notice

calldll #wmlib, "SetWMHandler",_        'set up WMLiberty.dll to trap and relay this message
        h1 As long,_                    'handle to the program window
        wmMessage As long,_             'message to intercept
        iconNotice As long,_            'address of callback in memory
        0 As long,_                     'value to send dll to indicate successful handling of message
        ret As long                     'dll returns this value to indicate successful setup
alreadycalled = 1
end if

sub showMenu
    popupmenu "&Show main", [show], "&exit", [exitall]
end sub


print #npp, "show"



hIcon=loadIcon()                        'call our function to load the Icon
handle(2)=hIcon                         'make this handle global
uFlags=NIF.MESSAGE or NIF.ICON or NIF.TIP   'set our flags
callback iconNotice,iconMessage(long,long,long,long),long          'callback for icon message notice

calldll #wmlib, "SetWMHandler",_        'set up WMLiberty.dll to trap and relay this message
        h1 As long,_                    'handle to the program window
        wmMessage As long,_             'message to intercept
        iconNotice As long,_            'address of callback in memory
        0 As long,_                     'value to send dll to indicate successful handling of message
        ret As long

if iconAdded then notice "your Icon has been added"
main = 0

'Close it
    rIcon=minToTaskbar(hwnd,flags,hIcon,message)    'remove Icon from taskbar
    call unloadIcon hIcon


'note: i'm still using the original icon for testing purposes!
function loadIcon()
    fuLoad=_LR_DEFAULTSIZE or _LR_LOADFROMFILE or _LR_LOADTRANSPARENT       'flags for image information
    if right$(defDir$(1),1)="\" then
    end if
    calldll #user32,"LoadImageA",_              'load our Icon into memory so that we can use it
        0 as long,_                             'if you load the icon from a bmp, ico, or similar file this must be 0
        iconName$ as ptr,_
        _IMAGE_ICON as long,_                   'let the call know that we are loading an icon file
        0 as long,_                             'xExtent desired  **0 because I used the defaultsize flag
        0 as long,_                             'yExtent desired  **0 because I used the defaultsize flag
        fuLoad as long,_
        loadIcon as long                        'return value, nonzero for success

     loadi = 1

end function

function iconMessage(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam)   'icon message handler--lParam hold the mouse message from the icon
    select case lParam              'wParam holds the icon identifier (in case you have more than one icon)
        case _WM_LBUTTONDOWN        'don't do anything unless they let the button up while the cursor is over our icon
        case _WM_LBUTTONUP          'tell them how to use the prog if they left click
            icall= 1
            icall = 0
        case _WM_RBUTTONDOWN        'don't do anything unless they let the button up while the cursor is over our icon
        case _WM_RBUTTONUP
            call showMenu           'haven't been able to get the popup menu to work here yet
        case else
            isOk=99                 'let the dll know that we don't do anything with _WM_MOUSEMOVE etc.
    end select
    iconMessage=isOk        'return a value to the dll to indicate if the message was handled
end function

sub unloadIcon hIcon
    calldll #user32,"DestroyIcon",_
        hIcon as long,_
        ret as long
end sub

function minToTaskbar(hwnd,uFlags,hIcon,dwMessage)
    if param(4)<5 then
        calldll #shell32,"Shell_NotifyIconA",_          'here we tell the taskbar to behave
            message95 as long,_                         'like a Win95 taskbar
            iconData as struct,_                        '
            result as long                        '
        if not(result) then notice "oops"
    end if                                              'if you have more than one Icon for a window then all of your struct
    iconData.hwnd.struct=hwnd                           'elements should be passed to this function then loaded into the
    iconData.uFlags.struct=uFlags                       'structure here. because your tooltip could be different for each one
    iconData.hIcon.struct=hIcon                         'the unique id has to be different for each one, etc.
    calldll #shell32,"Shell_NotifyIconA",_              'add the Icon to the taskbar
        dwMessage as long,_                             'value for 'ADD, MODIFY, or DELETE
        iconData as struct,_                            'pointer to the struct we just loaded
        minToTaskbar as long                            'return value, nonzero denotes success
end function

sub getOSVersion
    calldll #kernel32,"GetVersionExA",_
        OSVInfo as struct,_
        result as long
    if result=0 then
        notice "Critical ERROR!!"+chr$(13)+"Unable to Continue!"
    end if
end sub


Subject: Re: Problem (with system tray menu)
sub showMenu
    popupmenu "&Show main", [show], "&exit", [exitall]
end sub

Branch labels like [show] and [exitall] must be at the same scope as the POPUPMENU statement. That means if POPUPMENU is in a SUB or FUNCTION, also must be the labels.

Personally, I would use the TrackPopupMenu API. It would allow your code to be more flexible.

Subject: Re: Problem (with system tray menu)
Can you give me a trackpopupmenu example?

EDIT: fixed it[/code]

Subject: Re: Problem (with system tray menu)
Me again, i ran into a problem, i succeed in using the menu and it does what it needs to do, to show a window, but when i show the window after hiding it the window can't be closed and it reports that the [exit] branch isn't found? ? ? ?

And the solution that fixed my last problem is that i placed the branches in the showmenu sub so this must be connected with that?

Also can you give me an example on using trackpopupmenu api, i did a little search, does the menu need to be created by api (please example)?

Subject: Re: Problem (with system tray menu)
Can you help me or not?

Subject: Re: Problem (with system tray menu)
You can use an LB-created MENU as a popup menu using GetMenu and GetSubMenu. You can remove the menu if you like (RemoveMenu).

TrackPopupMenu/TrackPopupMenuEx should allow your app to receive the usual WM_COMMAND messages. All of you event handlers (I strongly suggest) should be SUBs to avoid potential out-of-scope errors.

You can also use TrackPopupMenu[Ex] to return the index of the selected menu item. With a SELECT CASE, this is safer than LB's POPUPMENU because it too avoids branch labels.

If you still need a demo, I could cobble one together.

Subject: Re: Problem (with system tray menu)
Well it wouldn't hurt, please if you can?

EDIT: It seams that the problem with my code is that it never gets out of the sub, and when i end sub, it closes the entire program(reports please add close commands error?)? Also I've tried exit sub it doesn't work either?

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