
In case you haven't noticed, I've added a "Lo-fi" (as in "low-fidelity") skin to the forum. There is a link at the bottom of every forum page to switch between the "Lo-Fi Version" and the "Full Version." This setting is saved in a cookie and will stay in the selected mode until it is changed or the cookie is erased.

The Lo-fi Version is what search engine bots see and removes all the "junk" that can confuse a bot and cause poor indexing of the forum topics. An additional benefit can be derived by normal users as well. If you want to use your Web-enabled cell phone or a similar mobile device to read the forum, this skin makes it display better on the small screen.

My reason for posting to this forum is that, in addition to the above reason, this skin should make this forum much easier to use with assistive technologies. There are a few forum features that cannot be accessed with the Lo-fi mode (e.g. attachments). If there is any demand for these features, I will certainly consider adding some, as long as they do not hurt the site's bot optimizations.

To experience it now, click here.

P.S. Please feel free to reply to this topic no matter how old it gets.