Subject: GPF when closing MDI Frame Window
Hi Brent, all.

I'm using the MDI features of WMLiberty.dll and, for some reason, I'm getting a GPF when the frame window is closed. I've eliminated any unecessary callbacks, and so on. This is probably something obvious, but I just can't spot it. I've attached the code below, help/advice is much appreciated.

Download (1.7 MB)

Subject: Re: GPF when closing MDI Frame Window
Hi Bill,

Indeed there are a few silly mistakes in your code. Your biggest boo-boo is defining global hInst but using variables named hIns and hInstance.

Here's a comparison of your original file (jbworkshop.bas) and my edits (JBWORKSHOP-EDIT.BAS):
Comparing files jbworkshop.bas and JBWORKSHOP-EDIT.BAS
***** jbworkshop.bas
    calldll #wmlib, "RegisterMDIFrameClass", FRAMECLASS$ as ptr, style as long, _
        0 as long, 0 as long, hIns as ulong, hIcon as long, hCursor as long, _
    calldll #wmlib, "RegisterMDIFrameClass", FRAMECLASS$ as ptr, style as long, _
        0 as long, 0 as long, hInst as ulong, hIcon as long, hCursor as long, _

***** jbworkshop.bas
    calldll #wmlib, "RegisterMDIChildClass", CHILDCLASS$ as ptr, style as long, _
        0 as long, 0 as long, hIns as ulong, 0 as long, _hCursor as ulong, _
    calldll #wmlib, "RegisterMDIChildClass", CHILDCLASS$ as ptr, style as long, _
        0 as long, 0 as long, hInst as ulong, 0 as long, hCursor as ulong, _

***** jbworkshop.bas
    calldll #user32, "GetSubMenu", hMenu as ulong, 1 as long, hWindow as ulong
    calldll #user32, "GetSubMenu", hMenu as ulong, 1 as long, hWindowMenu as ulong

***** jbworkshop.bas
    calldll #wmlib, "CreateMDIClient", style as long, 0 as long, 0 as long, -1 as long, _
        -1 as long, hWndFrame as ulong, 0 as long, hInstance as ulong, hWindowMenu as ulong, _
    calldll #wmlib, "CreateMDIClient", style as long, 0 as long, 0 as long, -1 as long, _
        -1 as long, hWndFrame as ulong, 0 as long, hInst as ulong, hWindowMenu as ulong, _

***** jbworkshop.bas
    r = UnregisterClass(FRAMECLASS$, hInstance)
    'r = FreeLibrary(hEXE)
    r = UnregisterClass(FRAMECLASS$, hInst)
    r = UnregisterClass(CHILDCLASS$, hInst)
    r = FreeLibrary(hEXE)

BUT the biggest problem is that you're using an outdated version of WMLiberty! The version included with your download is My computer has version

Oddly enough, the file on my site is also 1.0.3 labelled as 1.0.2. It's been so long since I've worked on it, I honestly don't know what happened. The RC file in the distro says version 1.0.3 and I search my entire harddrive for other versions without success. Maybe the newer files are on a CD-ROM somewhere. I'll post the version 1.1 DLL here for now so that you can confirm whether it fixes the GPF.

//EDIT: Moved attachment to the WMLiberty main page.

Last edited by Brent on Sep 23rd, 2007, 8:55pm; edited 1 time in total
Subject: Re: GPF when closing MDI Frame Window
Truth be told, I didn't know there even was a v1.1. I'll try out those fixes.

(Oh, and this won't be released as JB Workshop :roll:)

Subject: Re: GPF when closing MDI Frame Window
It seems the old version of WMLiberty was the root problem. All changes made, and it's running a-OK now.

Subject: Re: GPF when closing MDI Frame Window
Dear Brent :

first of all, thanks for creating WMLiberty, it helped me resolving erratic errors in autoresizing a bunch of controls in my software project using native LB code. It will be nice to have it included in LB5.

I experienced the same problem with the WMLiberty version. Everything is going fine now after downloading the file from the site you suggested above.
The file I had previosly downloaded from your site was smaller (around 18 K against 49K) and made me crazy.

Anyhow, thanks again, and I will continue to use your DLL in my future (hopefully) projects.

Yours Carlo

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