Subject: [BETA] Toggle TextBox Colors
This demo requires Windows 2000 or later. It allows you to toggle the color the colors of a text box between the defaults and white-on-red. With a few modifications, you could give each text box different colors at different times.

    ' Toggle TextBox Color Demo
    ' By Brent D. Thorn, 05/2008


    Global g.LastControl : g.LastControl = 3
    Dim g.hwndAlerts(g.LastControl)

    Open "WMLiberty" For DLL As #wmlib

    WindowWidth = 256
    WindowHeight = 130
    StyleBits #demo, _DS_CENTER, 0, 0, 0

    TextBox     #demo.txt.1, 10, 10, 200, 20
    Checkbox    #demo.chk.1, "", demo.chk.Set, demo.chk.Reset, 220, 10, 20, 20
    TextBox     #demo.txt.2, 10, 40, 200, 20
    Checkbox    #demo.chk.2, "", demo.chk.Set, demo.chk.Reset, 220, 40, 20, 20
    TextBox     #demo.txt.3, 10, 70, 200, 20
    Checkbox    #demo.chk.3, "", demo.chk.Set, demo.chk.Reset, 220, 70, 20, 20

    Open "Toggle Color Demo" For Dialog As #demo

    #demo "TrapClose demo.Close"
    #demo "Font Microsoft_Sans_Serif 8"
    #demo.txt.1 "!SetFocus"

    Callback lpfnCB, OnCtlColorEdit( ULong, ULong, ULong, ULong ), Long
    ret = SetWMHandler(HWnd(#demo), _WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, lpfnCB, GetStockObject(18))

    Call DoEvents

Sub demo.Close wnd$
    Close #wmlib
    Close #wnd$
End Sub

Sub DoEvents
    CallDLL #kernel32, "Sleep", _
        50 As ULong, ret As Void
    GoTo [DoEvents]
End Sub

Sub demo.chk.Set chk$
    n = g.hwndAlerts(0) + 1
    g.hwndAlerts(0) = n
    txt$ = Word$(chk$, 1, ".")+".txt."+Word$(chk$, 3, ".")
    hwnd = HWnd(#txt$)
    g.hwndAlerts(n) = hwnd
    Call EraseWindow hwnd
End Sub

Sub demo.chk.Reset chk$
    txt$ = Word$(chk$, 1, ".")+".txt."+Word$(chk$, 3, ".")
    hwnd = HWnd(#txt$)
    n = g.hwndAlerts(0)
    For i = 1 To n
        If hwnd = g.hwndAlerts(i) Then
            g.hwndAlerts(i) = 0
            Sort g.hwndAlerts(), n, 1
            Exit For
        End If
    g.hwndAlerts(0) = n - 1
    Call EraseWindow hwnd
End Sub

Function OnCtlColorEdit( hWnd, uMsg, hdcEdit, hwndEdit )
    crFore = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    crBack = RGB(192, 0, 0)

    For i = 1 To g.hwndAlerts(0)
        If hwndEdit = g.hwndAlerts(i) Then found = 1 : Exit For

    If Not( found ) Then Exit Function

    CallDLL #gdi32, "SetTextColor", _
        hdcEdit As ULong, _
        crFore As ULong, _
        ret As ULong

    CallDLL #gdi32, "SetBkColor", _
        hdcEdit As ULong, _
        crBack As ULong, _
        ret As ULong

    hbrDCBrush = GetStockObject(18) 'DC_BRUSH

    CallDLL #gdi32, "SelectObject", _
        hdcEdit As ULong, _
        hbrDCBrush As ULong, _
        ret As ULong

    CallDLL #gdi32, "SetDCBrushColor", _
        hdcEdit As ULong, _
        crBack As ULong, _
        ret As ULong

    OnCtlColorEdit = hbrDCBrush
End Function

Function SetWMHandler( hWnd, uMsg, lpfnCB, lSuccess )
    CallDLL #wmlib, "SetWMHandler", _
        hWnd As ULong, _
        uMsg As ULong, _
        lpfnCB As ULong, _
        lSuccess As Long, _
        SetWMHandler As Long
End Function

Function GetStockObject( nObject )
    calldll #gdi32, "GetStockObject", _
      nObject  As Long, _
      GetStockObject As ULong
End Function

function RGB( R, G, B )
    RGB = R + 256 * G + 65536 * B
end function

Sub EraseWindow hWnd
    CallDLL #user32, "RedrawWindow", _
        hWnd  as ulong, _
        _NULL  as ulong, _
        _NULL as ulong, _
        flags as ulong, _
        ret   as long
End Sub

Subject: Re: [BETA] Toggle TextBox Colors
Thanks Brent for showing the plebs how things are done correctly.

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