Subject: Re: Problem getting toolbar to work
Hi there ppls. I'm new here. I usually post at Masm32 forum. I searched for adding toolbars to o rebar control and this forum came up. I'm not having trouble with adding the toolbar. The problem is i haven't found yet what message to process. It's usually a WM_NOTIFY but i i've used several BN_xxxx types of messages and the buttons do nothing. Can someone tell what to do?
Thanks guys.

Subject: Re: Problem getting toolbar to work
This forum is dedicated to Liberty BASIC, so you will not get help regarding ASM or C programming here.

Subject: Re: Problem getting toolbar to work
Hello and welcome!

Your post is a bit off-topic for this forum, so I'll split this topic later and move it to a more appropriate place.

To answer your question, I consulted the documentation.
MSDN wrote:
When the user selects a button, the toolbar sends the parent window a WM_COMMAND or WM_NOTIFY message that includes the command identifier of the button. The parent window examines the command identifier and carries out the command associated with the button. For information about when controls send WM_COMMAND messages and when they send WM_NOTIFY, see the Remarks section of the WM_NOTIFY documentation.

Subject: Re: Problem getting toolbar to work
Thanks brent. I'm checking it now.
bests from X

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