Subject: [BETA] Retrieving the local IP address
Below find an example of receiving the local IP address.

I would like to know, if there is a better way to retrieve the IP address list items?

It would be so much easier, if LB would support handling of arrays of pointers natively.

Thanks in advance.

Please use the code in the next post!



    open "Ws2_32.dll" for dll as #Ws2

    struct lpWSAData,_
        wVersion       as word,_
        wHighVersion   as word,_
        szDescription  as char[257],_
        szSystemStatus as char[129],_
        iMaxSockets    as ushort,_
        iMaxUdpDg      as ushort,_
        lpVendorInfo   as ptr

    wVersionRequested = hexdec("22")

    ' initialize wesock
    calldll #Ws2, "WSAStartup",_
        wVersionRequested as word,_
        lpWSAData         as struct,_
        Result            as long

    if Result = 0 then
        length = 100
        hostname$ = space$(length+1)

        ' get computer name
        calldll #Ws2, "gethostname",_
            hostname$ as ptr,_
            length    as long,_
            Result    as long

        struct hostent,_
            hname     as ptr,_
            haliases  as ptr,_
            haddrtype as short,_
            hlength   as short,_
            haddrlist as ptr

        hostentLen = len(hostent.struct)

        ' dummy to receive pointer to ip address array item
        struct haddr,_
            ip as ptr

        haddrLen = len(haddr.struct)

        ' get ip information
        calldll #Ws2, "gethostbyname",_
            hostname$ as ptr,_
            phostent  as ulong

        ' copy memory to struct
        calldll #kernel32, "RtlMoveMemory", _
            hostent    as struct,_
            phostent   as ulong, _
            hostentLen as ulong, _
            Result     as void

        pointer = hostent.haddrlist.struct
        iplength = hostent.hlength.struct

        IpAddressArray$ = winstring(pointer)

        ' cycle through ip address array pointers
        while IpAddressArray$ <> ""
            ' copy ip address to dumy structure
            calldll #kernel32, "RtlMoveMemory", _
                haddr    as struct,_
                pointer  as ulong, _
                haddrLen as ulong, _
                Result   as void

            paddr = haddr.ip.struct

            ' convert to dotted format
            for i = 0 to iplength-1
                if i = 0 then
                    IPaddress$ = str$(asc(left$(winstring(paddr),1)))
                    IPaddress$ = IPaddress$; "."; asc(left$(winstring(paddr+i),1))
                end if

            print IPaddress$

            ' advance to next array item
            pointer = pointer + 4
            IpAddressArray$ = winstring(pointer)

        ' close wesock
        calldll #Ws2, "WSACleanup",_
            Result as long
    end if

    close #Ws2

Last edited by STPendl on Nov 4th, 2010, 9:13pm; edited 2 times in total
Subject: Re: [BETA] Retrieving the local IP address
Below find an updated version, which does not use RtlMoveMemory.

Thanks to Brent for the inspiration of his server/client code.

I would be interested, if this leads to any errors and if the results are correct.


    'Author: Stefan Pendl
    'Date: 02.11.10

    open "Ws2_32.dll" for dll as #Ws2

    struct lpWSAData,_
        wVersion       as word,_
        wHighVersion   as word,_
        szDescription  as char[257],_
        szSystemStatus as char[129],_
        iMaxSockets    as ushort,_
        iMaxUdpDg      as ushort,_
        lpVendorInfo   as ulong

    wVersionRequested = hexdec("0202")

    ' initialize wesock
    calldll #Ws2, "WSAStartup",_
        wVersionRequested as word,_
        lpWSAData         as struct,_
        Result            as long

    if Result = 0 then
        length = 100
        hostname$ = space$(length+1)

        ' get computer name
        calldll #Ws2, "gethostname",_
            hostname$ as ptr,_
            length    as long,_
            Result    as long

        struct hostent,_
            hname     as ulong,_
            haliases  as ulong,_
            haddrtype as short,_
            hlength   as short,_
            haddrlist as ulong

        ' dummy to receive pointer to ip address array item
        struct haddr,_
            ip as ulong

        ' get ip information
        calldll #Ws2, "gethostbyname",_
            hostname$ as ptr,_
            phostent  as ulong

        ' copy memory to struct
        hostent.struct = phostent

        pointer = hostent.haddrlist.struct
        iplength = hostent.hlength.struct

        IpAddressArray$ = winstring(pointer)

        ' cycle through ip address array pointers
        while IpAddressArray$ <> ""
            ' copy ip address to dumy structure
            haddr.struct = pointer

            paddr = haddr.ip.struct

            ' convert to dotted format
            for i = 0 to iplength-1
                if i = 0 then
                    IPaddress$ = str$(asc(left$(winstring(paddr),1)))
                    IPaddress$ = IPaddress$; "."; asc(left$(winstring(paddr+i),1))
                end if

            print IPaddress$

            ' advance to next array item
            pointer = pointer + 4
            IpAddressArray$ = winstring(pointer)

        ' close wesock
        calldll #Ws2, "WSACleanup",_
            Result as long
    end if

    close #Ws2

Subject: Re: [BETA] Retrieving the local IP address
Gives me the expected number, at least the number I get when I hover over my wireless connection icon. I didn't encounter any errors.

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