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Subject: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
Hello all,

A new version of VFScript is coming soon. If you don't know, VFScript is a small compiler and runtime environment written entirely in LB.

I have been working on some proper documentation and would like to have some feedback on it. The current draft can be found at the following URL:

Comments or questions can be posted by double-clicking a section of the document. If the commenting system gives you any problems, just reply to this topic with the symptoms.

I will add a "Credits" section to the document to thank each of you that help improve this.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
I have tried to double-click a section, but there is no action at all.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
Hi Stefan,

Please try again. I have updated the Javascript and the document. I was certain I had tested the JS with FF, but it's apparent I did not.


Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
Hi Brent,

Yes, now it works.

So one must double-click the section heading, if clicking anywhere in the section the subject will be wrong.

Sorry for not mentioning the browser I use.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
I think I have it working properly with Firefox now--no need to click the heading. It seems that the issue had to do with the width of the <BODY>. But I'm using FF3.6, so hopefully it works with newer versions also.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
Sorry, but there seems to be an invisible separator in the sections.

Steps to reproduce:

1) navigate to the TRIM section

2) double-click into the top half of it
2a) notice the subject is correct

3) double-click into the bottom half of it
3a) notice the subject is Sub_Statement

This is reproducible with any section, even with ABS.

BTW, why are you so far behind with your FF version?
Until now all add-ons should be valid for FF 10.* anyways.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
I found some JS code that claims to be fool-proof and adapted it for my needs. I tried it with IE, FF, and GC and it seems to work properly.

As for my outdated FF, I was waiting for an add-on to be updated and never got around to checking if it finally got updated. I just checked and it was updated, so I'm in the process of upgrading.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide

I can confirm that the double-clicking is now working as expected.

Going for a read now ;)

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
I just updated the doc. Most new stuff is in the upper half.

BTW, I probably should have previously noted that the annotation system uses the names of anchors which are targets of links from other parts of the page. Not every subsection has an assigned anchor yet, and may never get one if it is minor. If you click a subsection and the subject is that of its parent section, please mention the subsection if you feel it is necessary. If you double-click to comment on a section with an existing comment, you will be taken to that comment. Simply reply to the existing topic.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
Since VFScript is very similar to LB in respect to the command names, essential differences to LB should be emphasized more.

BTW, I like the support for lists or arrays of some of the functions ;)

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
STPendl wrote:
Since VFScript is very similar to LB in respect to the command names, essential differences to LB should be emphasized more.

I've added a thick stripe along the left side to emphasize major differences. Do you think this is enough? It misses less major differences inside tables (eg unary operators) because that wouldn't look right IMO. Maybe there's a better way to format this?

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
It is hard to tell if the thick bar is enough. This will be known, when multiple users use that scripting language.

It is really hard to tell what needs to be changed to make it nearly foolproof, but we can add some things beforehand due to our experience with other documentation.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
I haven't found any other issues.

Did the suggested change for the main introduction slip through or is it not appropriate?

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
Today's update mainly makes changes to Functions and Simple statements. See the associated topics for details.

Subject: Re: [RFC] VFScript 0.2.0 User Guide
I just updated the doc. Mostly made changes to the style.

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