1. Where does the name ViviFire come from?
    It is a blend of "vivify" (to give life to) and "fire"(an homage to Liberty BASIC).
  2. Which paradigms does/will it support?
    Object-oriented programming (OOP)
    Modular programming
    Generic programming
    Event-driven programming
  3. What language is ViviFire written in?
    Standard C++
  4. What tools do you use to develop ViviFire?
    Coco/R translates a grammar specification into C++.
    LLVM provides a cross-platform compiler backend.
  5. Is source code available?
    Yes. https://github.com/BrentDT/ViviFire
    Or you can download a zipped archive from the homepage that gets updated 3 or 4 times a month.
  6. Under what license(s) is the code released?
    Source code uses the MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
    Documentation uses Creative Commons/CC0 http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
  7. What does Hello World look like?
    Program Hello
    Require VF.IO
    PrintLine "Hellow world!"

  8. What stage of development is ViviFire currently in?
    As of mid-2022, it is at a late-alpha or pre-beta level.
  9. Where is the ViviFire home page?