Subject: MKD$ CVD on LB (MBF Mode)

I´m Pedro from Spain, and I have a question..., please.

I have some databases created with QuickBasic in MBF mode, incorporating numerical data loaded by MKD$ instruction, which need an instruction CVD to be read.
I found the following functions on the web, but not right for databases in MBF mode created.
Could you send me an instruction CVD to work properly with MBF databases.

Thanks in advance.

'Function CVD( EightBytes$ )
'If Len(EightBytes$) = 8 Then
'B1 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 8, 1))
'B2 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 7, 1))
'B3 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 6, 1))
'B4 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 5, 1))
'B5 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 4, 1))
'B6 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 3, 1))
'B7 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 2, 1))
'B8 = Asc(Mid$(EightBytes$, 1, 1))
'S = (B1 And 128) / 128 'Sign bit
'E = (B1 And 127) * 16 + (B2 And 240) / 16 'Exponent
'X = B8 + B7 * HexDec("100") + B6 * HexDec("10000") + _
'B5 * HexDec("1000000") + B4 * HexDec("100000000") + _
'B3 * HexDec("10000000000") + (B2 And 15) * 2 *_
'F = 0.0
'For N = 1 To 52
'If X And 2 ^ N Then F = F + 2 ^ (N - 53)
'Select Case E
'Case 2047
'CVD = 0.0
'If F = 0 Then 'Infinity
'If S = 0 Then Err$(0) = "INF" _
'Else Err$(0) = "-INF"
'Err$(0) = "NaN" 'Not a Number
'End If
'Case 0
'If F = 0 Then
'CVD = 0.0
'Err$(0) = "OK"
'Else 'Unnormalized value
'CVD = -1 ^ S * 2 ^ -1022 * F
'Err$(0) = "OK"
'End If
'Case Else
'CVD = -1 ^ S * 2 ^ (E - 1023) * (1 + F)
'Err$(0) = "OK"
'End Select
'CVD = 0.0
'Err$(0) = "PARAM"
'End If
'End Function

Subject: Re: MKD$ CVD on LB (MBF Mode)
Hello Pedro,

I think you need to take a look at the QB64 language ( It claims complete compatibility with QB/QBasic and has functions named CVSMBF, CVDMBF, MKSMBF$, and MKDMBF$, that look like what you need.

Subject: Re: MKD$ CVD on LB (MBF Mode)
ok, perfect !!
Thank You Very Much.

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