  • If you create a new user account but do not confirm it by following the instructions provided in the e-mail that is sent to the address you specify at registration, the account will be deleted without warning after a period of no less than seven days.
  • User names should be relatively comprehendable and not contain offensive words or emoticons. If it is the opinion of an admin that a name is of poor taste, you may be asked to change your name, or risk deletion.
  • If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail after more than a few hours, check your "Spam" or "junk" folder. If you find your confirmation message in such a folder, please tell your e-mail provider that this is not junk mail. If you are unable to find the confirmation message anywhere, please post a message to the General board as a guest.
  • Certain domains are banned from registering, including any .biz or .info domain. If you are completely blocked from registering, please send an e-mail to Brent (See below).

  • New members are subject to several limitations on what can be posted, based both on the number of posts and how much time has passed since you registered. This is to hinder the more sophisticated spammers who manage to get past earlier spam-fighting measures, and should pass quickly.
  • If you want to change your user name, send a PM to me ("Brent").
  • If you want to delete your account, add yourself to the "Inactive Accounts" usergroup, or send a PM to me ("Brent") or send an e-mail using the address with which you are registered.
  • Failing to login at least once every 12 months will result in "Inactive Account" status and eventually deletion, unless you remove yourself from the usergroup.

  • You should try to stay on-topic and avoid replying to old topics. Such postings may be split from the topic. The exception: if a topic is "sticky," you may consider it ageless.
  • Avoid making postings that can be construed as advertising for a product or project. Some leniency is given to allow mentions of products and projects hosted on sites in the "Links" section. Offenders can expect a proportionate response to the perceived level of offense.

  • Links must point to LB- or RB-related or personal websites of a "G-rated" nature.
  • Images may appear in signatures, but should be kept small and tasteful.
  • Blatant violations could result in losing the privilege of having a signature or being banned.