Boolean Data Type

Holds values that can be only true or false.


Default value
When you declare a variable of type Boolean and do not initialize it, its value is false.
Type characters
Boolean has no type characters.

Type conversions

When you change a Boolean value to an integer value, the result can be different with different implementations. ViviFire supplies two integer constants, %TRUE and %FALSE, which hold an implementation's values for true and false.

Shared methods and properties

Boolean.Default As Boolean
Returns the default value, Boolean.FALSE.
Boolean.False As Boolean
Returns the value that is false. The equivalent integer constant is %FALSE.
Boolean.FalseString As String
Returns a string value of "False".
Boolean.Parse(str As String) As Boolean
Tries to parse a string that shows as a Boolean.
Permitted strings include Boolean.FalseString and Boolean.TrueString (letter case ignored) and integer values. It parses "0" as false, and all other integers as true.
Boolean.Size As Boolean
Returns the number of available bytes.
Boolean.True As Boolean
Returns the value that is true. The equivalent integer constant is %TRUE.
Boolean.TrueString As String
Returns a string value of "True".


Dim foo As Boolean