Enum Statement

Declares an enumeration and specifies its members.


Usual construct

[ modifiers ] _
Enum enumeration_name [ Is base_type ]
    member_name [ = value ]
End [ Enum ]

Bit flag construct

[ modifiers ] _
@Flags Enum enumeration_name Is base_type
    member_name [ = value ]
End [ Enum ]



Optional modifiers:

  • @Deprecated – See @Deprecated.
  • @Flags – Changes the enumeration into a set of bit flags.
  • @MustUse – Code that calls a procedure that returns the enumeration type must use the result. See @MustUse.
  • @Open – The enumeration can be extended.
  • @Strict – Variables of the enumeration type can hold only the given constants.
  • @Unique – All the values must be different.
Mandatory name for the enumeration
A keyword before base_type.
You can also use one of the non-reserved keywords Extends or Inherits as an alternative.
A numeric data type, String, or a different enumeration. It sets the range of possible values and the minimum value.
Optional in the usual construct.
Mandatory integer data type with the modifier @Flags.
Mandatory name
You can put one or more members on one line. Use a semicolon (;) between each member on the same line. A semicolon is also permitted at the end of a line.
Optional constant expression. It must have the same type as base_type, or automatically convert to that type.
Not permitted without base_type.
Mandatory with the directive @Option Enum Equals.
Completes the statement. You can also use End Enum.
You can change the syntax of this part. See @Option Directive for more information.


An enumeration is a set of related constants. They can make code easier to read and change. They are an alternative to literals found in random locations in code.

Usually it is not necessary to directly set a constant's value. The compiler can make sure that each one is different.

Usual construct

If an enumeration is not an extension to a different one and the first member is not given a value with the operator “=”, its default value is zero. Members of an enumeration can be positive or negative. members can have the same value, unless given the modifier @Unique, but the names in an enumeration must be different.

If type is a different enumeration, the new one is an extension of type. Thus the default value of the first member is the largest member of type plus one.

Bit-flag construct

The bit-flag construct looks almost the same as the usual construct, but has important differences. Usual enumerations can only be assigned and compared. But flags can be used with the logical operators: And, Or, Xor, and Not.

Each uninitialized member is given the value that agrees with the “least significant bit” not used at that point. The first member thus has a default value of one, the second is 2, the third is 4, the fourth is 8, etc.

type_name is usually one of the primitive integer types: Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Int128, or UInt128.

A member can be given one value in the range of type. If you try to initialize a member with a value out of range, it causes a compiler error. Members can have the same values, unless given the modifier @Unique, but the names in a set of flags must be different.

If type is the name of a bit field, the new statement is an extension to the flags. The range of an extension is the same as its parent.

Changes in syntax with @Option

There are three areas where you can change the syntax of the statement:

See @Option Directive for more information.


Example 1

@Open Enum fruit
End Enum

The equivalent code with values written:

@Open Enum fruit
    apple  = 0
    banana = 1
    cherry = 2
End Enum

Example 2: Extending an enumeration

Enum more_fruit Is fruit
    peach; pear; pineapple
End Enum

The enumeration more_fruit has these members: (0) apple, (1) banana, (2) cherry, (3) peach, (4) pear, and (5) pineapple.

Example 3: A set of bit flags

@Flags Enum days Is Int8
    Monday    ' =  1 (00000001)
    Tuesday   ' =  2 (00000010)
    Wednesday ' =  4 (00000100)
    Thursday  ' =  8 (00001000)
    Friday    ' = 16 (00010000)
    Saturday  ' = 32 (00100000)
    Sunday    ' = 64 (01000000)
End Enum

Var weekend As days = Saturday Or Sunday

See also