Real32 Data Type

Holds signed 32-bit (4-byte) IEEE floating-point values in the range −3.4028235E+38 to −1.401298E−45 for negative values and 1.401298E−45 to 3.4028235E+38 for positive values.


Floating-point data types cannot store all values accurately. Some operations can cause results that you think are incorrect. A typical example is when you compare values. See Data Type Troubleshooting for more information.
Space efficiency
You can use Real32 in conditions where the increased precision of Real64 is not necessary. Some conditions can let the ViviFire runtime decrease the memory that your program uses.
Default value
When you declare a variable of type Real32 and do not initialize it, its default value is zero (0.0).
Automatic conversions
Real32 widens to Real64 or Real128 without risk of overflow.
Zeros at the end
The floating-point data types usually cannot show 0 characters at the end, after the decimal point. Thus numbers, for example, 1.4200 and 1.42 are the same value. If you must show zeros at the end, you must use a formatter procedure.
Type characters
You can put the suffix r32 (or R32) on the end of a number literal. But there are no type characters for names.

Shared methods and properties

Real32.Default As Real32
Returns the default value, 0.0.
Real32.Epsilon As Real32
Returns the smallest difference between two values.
Real32.IsInf(num As Real32) As Boolean
Returns true if num is infinity (positive or negative). Mathematical overflow is one cause of this result.
Real32.IsNaN(num As Real32) As Boolean
Returns true if num is not a number (NaN). “Zero divided by zero” and “square root of a negative” are two causes of this result.
Real32.IsNegInf(num As Real32) As Boolean
Returns true if num is negative infinity.
Real32.IsPosInf(num As Real32) As Boolean
Returns true if num is positive infinity.
Real32.Max As Real32
Returns the maximum positive value.
Real32.Min As Real32
Returns the minimum negative value.
Real32.Parse(str As String, Optional #format As Format) As Real32
Tries to parse a string that shows as a floating-point number.
If #format is not given or is #Null, it uses the format of the local culture. Or you can make it clear with Format.UserLocale.
If #format is Format.RealLiteral, it uses the format of a literal of type Real32.
Real32.Size As Int32
Returns the number of available bytes. This is always 4.


Dim foo As Real32

See also